Clinical Services

Paediatric Services

Virtual Early Intervention Hub

One of the  main service area of Ceylon Speechie provide is tele therapy,  early intervention  for children facing developmental delays. Parental training and online sessions are conducted by qualified consultants  who are Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Developmental Peaditricians, Physio Therapists  and other early child Development Specialists.


Services are provided sometimes in liaison with hospitals, preschools, schools and other institution working directly with child development in several countries we are in operation.  These services specifically address parents waiting to access services in countries for long periods of times to train parents professionally to give the services needed for their child before the critical period of intervention passes in a child.

Paediatric services are given for:

  • Speech delay or impairment caused by various diagnoses including autism, stammering, specific language impairment and other developmental delays.
  • Infant and Toddler Feeding difficulties.
  • Development delays seen in childhood for fine and gross motor activities such as walking, using a spoon, writing etc.
  • Early Intervention for children under the age of three who can be at risk for a developmental delay.
  • Education Services for Reading ,Writing difficulties.

Get in touch with us to book a session

Adult/ Geriatric

Rehabilitation towards employment and functionality

For adults and the elderly needing rehabilitation services be it following a brain injury due to a stroke or a diagnosis of a regenerative disorder such as Parkinson’s or Alzhimer’s disease  our professionals aim to re integrate them back to society by liaising with employers and other stakeholders involved.

We believe the quality of life should not be compromised due to a disability and it is everyone’s right to be a part of an inclusive society.

Available Services:

  • Speech and Langauge Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physio Therapy consultations online.
  • Treatment for Feeding, Eating and swallowing difficulties faced by a disability.
  • Caregiver training program.
  • Supported Employment program in liaison with employers.

Get in touch with us to book a session

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